Spring Sale with Concert

On Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, the organization Where Music Carries Us (WMCU) successfully hosted their inaugural annual Spring Sale from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The event  exceeded all expectations and left attendees in awe of the seamless fusion of music and  philanthropy. 

The centerpiece of the Spring Sale was the mesmerizing lineup of musical   performances that graced the stage. Talented members of WMCU enchanted the audience  with their melodies. The program commenced with a captivating flute quartet composed of  Katherine Fang, Helen Hui, Audrey Yang, and Crystal Ye, who delivered a spellbinding  rendition of Jour d’ete a la montagne by Eugéne Bozza. Following that, Emily Johnson  showcased her mastery of the classical guitar with a brilliant performance of Prelude no.3 by  Heitor Villa-Lobos. Anya Blix then took the stage, dazzling the audience with her violin skills  as she played 5me Air Varie, Op. 89, No. 5 by Charles Dancla and Chloe Zhao added to the  artistic showcase with her exquisite flute performance of Air for Band by Frank Erickson.  Louisa Blix followed, delivering a breathtaking rendition of the Violin Concerto No. 3 I. Allegro  by W.A. Mozart. Kevin Huang’s jazz performance on the saxophone, featuring the piece My  One and Only Love by Guy Wood and Robert Mellin, added an exciting twist to the program.  Elena Wang showcased her piano skills with a stunning performance of Etude No. 2 in G  Minor, Op. 72 by Moritz Moszkowski. The show concluded with a unique and captivating hulusi  performance of Dani Family Love Song and an unforgettable vocal performance of In the Stars  by Benson Boone, delivered by Angela Du. The attendees were taken on an extraordinary  musical journey encompassing a diverse range of styles, creating an event that will be etched  in their memories. 

The Spring Sale was not just a captivating musical extravaganza; it also embodied a  profound philanthropic purpose that resonated deeply within the hearts of the attendees. At  its core, this remarkable occasion aimed to foster a spirit of giving and compassion by  facilitating the reselling of cherished but no longer needed possessions, whether they were  gently used or entirely untouched. The donated items included clothing, board games, books,  and even two pairs of old skis. The community rallied together, generously contributing items  and demonstrating their commitment to making a positive impact. As a result, a total of $668  was raised for local charity, a testament to the boundless generosity that permeated the  occasion. 

The Spring Sale transcended its role as a mere gathering and evolved into a celebration  of unity, compassion, and the transformative power of music. It provided a platform for artists  to showcase their talents and for individuals to connect with like-minded music lovers. Moreover, the collective effort to donate and contribute to the community fostered a profound  sense of togetherness and purpose. As the final notes faded away, the memories created and  the positive impact made will continue to resonate within the hearts of all those who attended.  The conclusion of this extraordinary gathering left behind a legacy of compassion, unity, and  the profound ability of music to instigate positive change.