Our Directors

Katherine Fang

Student President

Katherine Fang is a senior at High Technology High School. She is currently studying as a flute major at the Manhattan School of Music Precollege. She has been playing flute since she joined her 4th grade school band, and she’s been selected by a few local bands such as Bravura Youth Orchestra and New Jersey Youth Symphony. Katherine joined WMCU in 2020, and since then she’s met and worked with so many amazing musicians. She has participated in concerts and helped organize donations to local charity organizations. Besides music, she enjoys drawing and reading.

Mattias Blix

Vice President

Mattias Blix is a Sophomore at Princeton High School. He plays piano outside of school. He joined WMCU in 7th grade with the hope of growing the organization. Since then he has participated at multiple WMCU events such as performing a concert for senior citizens as well as bagging items for local charities to distribute. Outside of WMCU, Mattias is an active member of his school’s debate team and runs for his school’s cross-country team. 

Aleena Zhang


Aleena Zhang is a sophomore at Princeton High School where she plays flute in the Princeton Jazz Ensemble. She has been playing flute for five years; and since then has performed at Carnegie Hall three times. She has also been selected to play in New Jersey Youth Orchestra’s Philharmonia this year. She joined WMCU in her freshmen year with hopes to share her passion for music with her community through volunteer service. Her hobbies include drawing. playing squash, and baking; as well as playing traditional Chinese instruments, the hulusi and bamboo flute.

Karina Yuan

Publicity Chair

Karina Yuan is a freshman at Princeton Day School, where she plays percussion in the Upper School Band. She has also been playing piano since she was 5 years old. She has passed the level 5 ABRSM test for piano, and she was part of National Honors Band in Shanghai, China prior to the arrival of COVID-19. Karina joined WMCU in 2021 because she wanted to to bond with other musicians in the nearby area. Other than music, Karina enjoys creative writing, art, and musical theater.


Yuanning (Helen) Hui

North Chapter Student President

Yuanning Hui is a senior at Tenafly High School .She has been playing the flute since 7 years old and currently attends Manhattan School of Music in NYC, where she is part of the Philharmonic Orchestra. She is an active member of her school marching band, serving as drum major, section leader and soloist.She won the first place in Elite International Music Competition in 2021 and was first chair flutist in the New Jersey All-State Wind Ensemble in 2022. She joined WMCU in 2021, since when she has been enjoying spreading the joy of music in the community, planning and organizing concerts and encouraging youth to play music. In her free time, she enjoys  drawing and  loves visiting art museums.

Bolin Shen

2021-2022 Student President

Bolin Shen is 18 years old and is currently enrolled in Harvard University. She joined Where Music Carries Us during her freshman year of high school and loves being part of the team. Her hobbies include Chinese painting and art, in addition to playing traditional Chinese instruments like the bamboo flute and the Hulusi.

Audrey Yang


Audrey Yang is currently enrolled in Princeton University. She has been playing the flute since third grade and has played in PHS’ Studio Band and the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra. Audrey attended the Flute Workshop at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute in the summer of 2019.  In 2020, she was named a National YoungArts Honorable Mention Winner in Classical Flute and was a finalist in the National Flute Association’s High School Soloist Competition. Audrey founded Where Music Carries Us in 2018 to bring musicians together, forging bonds through music to benefit the greater community. Outside of playing music and finding ways to help out in the region, she loves to study French and linguistics.